Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jade's Journey...

Well, here it is. The map of the trip of the decade for us. Given the limited amount of funds that we have, the length of the trip, and the price of gasoline, it will be a miracle if we make it there and back again. The total trip one way is 1514.5 miles. Supposedly, that takes 23 hrs, 17 minutes to drive...we'll see. I sure hope that leaving on Friday the 13th doesn't say anything about our trip...cross your fingers...say a prayer...shake some chicken bones.


Katherine Fischer said...

Have a great time! I hear Austin is a really cool town, lots of neat stuff to do, and hey if you break down you can always hitchhike!

dbetzel said...

Thank you very much for the vote of confidence! BTW, who picks up hitchhikers anymore?

dbetzel said...

The bags are packed and we are ready to go..except for film. I can't believe that Sam's Club doesn't sell 35mm film anymore. We are going to have to rely on the digital camera and hope that we can pick up some film on the way somewhere. I know that using film is very old school, but it's hard to give up the ol' Nikon F series (actually, it's harder to give up all of the lenses).